Easter Sunday

Celebrating Hope and Renewal: A Look at Easter Sunday Traditions

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is a holy holiday for Christians worldwide, remembering when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. The date can change from late March to late April because it happens on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. The events for the day will take place on March 31 this year.

A Time for Reflection and Joy

Easter Sunday is the last day of Holy Week. People think about death and return during this time, but on Easter Sunday, they celebrate life and new life. In this blog, we will go across countries to look at how people from different cultures celebrate this holy day through various rich and colorful traditions.

Egg-Cellent Easter Traditions Around the World:

While many are accustomed to the sight of baskets brimming with colorful eggs, Easter traditions paint a broader canvas with diverse customs worldwide:

Easter Sunday
Courtesy: pixabay.com


Greece: A poignant practice on Holy Saturday involves cracking a red-dyed Easter egg against the church door, symbolizing the shattering of Christ’s tomb. The Easter Sunday feast frequently features roast lamb and “margarita,” a hearty soup from lamb offal.

“Śmigus-Dyngus,” or Wet Monday, is a buoyant tradition where friends and family are playfully drenched in water, donning colorful raincoats. This ritual echoes themes of purification and rebirth.

France: In the quaint village of Haux, Easter Monday prompts a vast omelette-making contest. A colossal pan fuses and cooks many eggs, symbolizing communal unity in feeding the town.

Italy: Florence hosts the “Scoppio del Carro” (Explosion of the Cart) on Easter Sunday—fireworks dance from a festooned cart before the Duomo cathedral, marking the spectacular pinnacle of the festivity.

North and South America:

Bermuda: The crafting and flying of homemade kites is a beloved Easter pastime in Bermuda, believed to derive from a teacher demonstrating Jesus’ ascent to heaven via a kite’s flight.

Mexico: Resonating with Greek tradition, Holy Saturday in Mexico sees ‘cascaróns,’ or confetti-filled eggs, cracked over heads in playful jest—an act symbolizing prosperity and festivity.


Ethiopia: The Ethiopian Orthodox Church marks Easter, or Fasika, with “Meskel.” Immense bonfires light up, symbolizing a shift from the remnants of the old year to the bright potential of the new.

Ghana: In Ghana, Easter is the nexus for family reunions and feasting on traditional fares like fufu (pounded cassava) and palm nut soup, celebrating togetherness and heritage.

Beyond Europe and the Americas:

Australia: Chocolate bilbies, emblematic native marsupials, usurp the Easter bunny in some Australian regions during Easter egg hunts, fostering awareness for wildlife conservation.

Philippines: Participants in “Penitensya,” a unique somber Easter celebration, participate in processions of self-flagellation out of repentance and devotion.

Reflecting on the Kaleidoscope of Customs

Each with distinctive charm, these myriad traditions underscore a unifying thread of hope, renewal, and fresh beginnings intrinsic to the Easter celebration. They illustrate the diversity through which millions affirm their faith, revel in cultural expressions, and find joy in the triumph of life over death.

May the collective spirit of reflection, joy, and the promise of renewal that this day heralds around the world inspire you this Easter as you partake in your customs or discover new ones. Happy Easter!

History of Easter

The origins of Easter trace back to ancient times, far beyond its Christian associations. At first, it was connected to pagan spring and new life celebrations. The name “Easter” is thought to come from Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and wealth. People used symbols of new life and rebirth to celebrate Easter, like eggs and rabbits, which are still used today in Easter traditions. With the rise of Christianity, these signs took on new meanings. The egg, which used to stand for fertility, came to represent Jesus’ empty grave, and the bunny, which used to stand for many babies, symbolized rebirth and renewal. 

As the Roman Empire gave way to the Christian age, Easter was created to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a central event in the religion. This change shows how religious and cultural practices can change and blend over time. It shows how flexible and stable human societies are when celebrating shared dreams of renewal and hope.

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