
For further details or questions concerning the disclaimer on our website, send us an email at info@keen2know.com.

All content on keen2know.com is presented in good faith and for general informational purposes only. Regarding the accuracy, dependability, and completeness of this information, Keen2Know makes no guarantees. You assume full responsibility for any actions you take in response to the information on this website. If you use our website and suffer any losses or damages, Keen2Know will not be held responsible.

You use our website’s hyperlinks to visit other websites at your own risk. Although we make an effort to offer high-quality links to trustworthy and helpful websites, we have no control over the ethics or content of these websites. The fact that these links are provided in no way implies endorsement of all the content on these external websites. Before we have a chance to remove a link that may have become inappropriate or out-of-date, site owners and content may change without prior notice.

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The agreement

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A revision

If this document undergoes any updates, revisions, or changes, they will be clearly announced here.

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